Adjective Clause 2


Add commas to set off the nonrestrictive clauses in the sentences below:


Micky’s father who lives with Mickey and his wife is a wonderful story teller.

Micky’s father, who lives with Mickey and his wife, is a wonderful story teller.

  1. In Dr. Jamison’s work with children which is a form of play therapy she uses puppets, blocks, and other toys to help young children cope with the stresses in their lives.
  1. Al Hautzig who was the first person in our neighborhood to get a motorboat fished every weekend, regardless of the weather.
  1. Mrs. Morgan whose dogs have been trained to protect sheep objects to the use of poison to control wolves.
  1. An aria which is a solo vocal passage in an opera is usually expressive and moving.
  1. Josef Jacobus whom I met at a fund-raising dinner last April announced today that he plans to run for mayor.
  1. Father Time who is a mythical figure is usually pictured carrying an hourglass and a scythe.
  1. Horatio Alger whose theme was always the rise from rags to riches wrote 135 novels.
  1. Choppines which were shoes worn by European women in the 1600s were so high that women wearing them could not walk without the help of servants.
  1. Our landlord whom we still owe for last month’s rent refuses to fix our air conditioned until our rent is paid.
  1. Edgar Allen Poe whose parents were actors was orphaned when he was three years old.

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