Avoiding Overuse of the Passive Voice


Rewrite the sentences below to convert them from the passive voice to the active voice. Make all necessary changes without altering the meaning of the original sentences.


The dust from Copper’s power sander is collected by a suction hose.

A suction hose collects the dust from Cooper’s power sander.

  1. Commercially baked bread is lifted gently from its baking pan by vacuum cups.
  2. ________________________________________________________________________


  3. A cookbook was compiled by the band parents’ organization to sell as a fund raiser.
  4. ________________________________________________________________________


  5. A piece of rock from the moon is contained in one of the windows in Washington National Cathedral.
  6. ________________________________________________________________________


  7. Bradely’s clowning skills were perfected by him at Clown Camp in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
  8. ________________________________________________________________________


  9. Boiled hard-shell crabs were ordered by Cathleen.
  10. ________________________________________________________________________


  11. Every suggestion made by me is criticized by Russell.
  12. ________________________________________________________________________


  13. If boots are worn by you for hiking, break them in before taking a long hike.
  14. ________________________________________________________________________


  15. The Laytons’ house was painted, inside and out, by the Laytons every other year.
  16. ________________________________________________________________________


  17. A stroller, a crib, a playpen, a bassinet, and a high chair were bought by Gwen and Bradford.
  18. ________________________________________________________________________


  19. Safety violations had been reported by me as early as June 1990.



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