Correcting Sentence Fragments with Missing Subjects and Verbs


Identify each of the items below by using the following code:

            S    complete sentence                F    sentence fragment


_F_      In the classroom, in stores, on television, and in magazines.

___1. From publications on fuel spills to descriptions of the fat content of french fries.

___2. Dropping scissors on the floor can destroy the alignment of the blades.

___3. About oil spills, chemicals in foods, and air pollution.

___4. The pricing structure leads to higher rates.

___5. Just as expensive but half as large.

___6. The dust bag on a small vacuum cleaner must be changed frequently.

___7. Burglars prefer quiet ways of entering a home, such as picking a lock.

___8. Only $3 for the razor, but $25 a year for blades.

___9. Food cooked on a gas grill tastes the same as food cooked on a charcoal grill.

___10. Directly under a high-voltage power line.

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