Future Tense


Change the present tense verbs in the sentences below to the future tense. Write the verbs on the lines at the left.


_will prevent_ Overcrowded airwaves sometimes prevent fire fighters’ beepers from receiving emergency signals.

_____________ 1. The Pine valley memorial Games benefit the families of police officers.

_____________ 2. In swamps, shallow wells bring up bad water.

_____________ 3. A knee injury keeps Ron from playing football this fall.

_____________ 4. The Powells hold a garage sale every spring.

_____________ 5. Lilacs bloom poorly in inadequate light.

_____________ 6. Jessica is a pediatric nurse practitioner.

_____________ 7. Stretching muscles before exercising helps athletes avoid sprains and strains.

_____________ 8. "You and no other" is engraved on Michelle’s wedding ring.

_____________ 9. Linda’s minestrone contains corn, carrots, zucchini, celery, yellow squash, broccoli, tomatoes, and green beans.

_____________ 10. Climbing stairs causes a rapid increase in heart rates.

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