

Turn the declarative sentences below into questions by following the directions given in parentheses.


Claudia’s sofa disappeared from her office just before she was fired. (Start with Did.)

Did Claudia’s sofa disappear from her office just before she was fired?

  1. The indentation below the nose is known as the philtrum. (Use the question mark only.)
  2. _______________________________________________________________________


  3. Robot arms assemble products such as automobiles and television sets. (Start with How.)
  4. _______________________________________________________________________


  5. Lightning causes millions of dollars in home and property damage each year. (Start with Does.)
  6. _______________________________________________________________________


  7. Nero, the Roman emperor, was only 31 when he died. (Start with the verb.)
  8. _______________________________________________________________________


  9. Maria has read all thirty-eight of Shakespeare’s plays. (Start with Has.)
  10. _______________________________________________________________________


  11. Taking aspirin can reduce the chances of heart attacks in men over fifty. (Start with Can.)
  12. _______________________________________________________________________


  13. Emily’s television set receives 105 channels. (Use only the question mark.)
  14. _______________________________________________________________________


  15. The covering on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet. (Start with Is.)
  16. _______________________________________________________________________


  17. Janet was reading the advertising panels on the walls of the subway car. (Start with Why.)
  18. _______________________________________________________________________


  19. Martin is one of the students watching the Senate debate from the galleries. (Start with the verb.)



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