Keeping Verbals Parallel Answers


Rewrite the underlined sections of the sentences below to make them parallel. Follow the directions in parentheses after each item.


This summer the Sioux Center Recreation Department will sponsor classes in swimming and to lift weights. (Use gerunds.)

in swimming and in lifting weights


1.      Propylene glycol is a colorless ingredient used in foods to thicken them, helping their ingredients combine smoothly, and preserving them. (Use infinitives.)

to thicken them, to help their ingrediants combine smoothly, and to preserve them.


2.      A bulldozer is used for pushing earth and to grade it. (Use infinitives.)

to push earth and to grade it.


3.      In ancient Rome people used perfume for bathing, to soak their clothing, and even to give their horses a more pleasant odor. (Use gerunds.)

for bathing, soaking their clothing, and even piving their horses a more pleasant odor.


4.      Humid air is responsible for encouraging mildew, to warp wood, and to rust metal. (Use gerunds.)

for encouraging mildew, warping wood, and rusting metal.


5.      Among the warning signs of possible arson are the insured person not being at home during the fire and to have removed valued belongings before the fire. (Use gerunds.)

not being at home during the fire and having removed valued belongings before the fire.


6.      The bridge girders are equipped with detectors to gauge stress and alerting a computer when repairs are needed. (Use infinitives.)

to gauge stress and to alert a computer.


7.      Removing the front door and to carry the four-poster bed upstairs were the hardest parts of the move. (Use gerunds.)

Removing the front door and carrying the four-poster bed upstairs


8.      Service robots work closely with humans to do repetitive tasks such as making french fries and to clean washrooms. (Use gerunds.)

making french fries and cleaning washrooms.


9.      Increasing dietary intake of calcium and to exercise regularly are ways to prevent osteoporosis. (Use gerunds.)

Increasing dietary intake of calcium and exercising regularly


10.  Gerald was annoyed at himself for taping his traveler’s checks to the back of the mirror in his motel room and then to forget to take them with him the next day. (Use gerunds.)

for taping his traveler’s checks to the back of the mirror in his motel room and then forgetting to take them with him the next day.

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