Proper Adjectives Answers


Capitalize the proper adjectives in the sentences below. Each sentence contains one proper adjective.

Example:  A salary was originally a sum of money given to roman soldiers to buy salt. Roman

  1. About ninety percent of all known plant varieties are african plants. African
  2. Three of the asian girls who have become friends speak to each other in English because their native languages are different. Asian
  3. The ancient egyptian people knew that eating sweets led to tooth decay. Egyptian
  4. The first english possession outside Europe was Newfoundland. English
  5. The word khaki comes from the hindi term for dust colored. Hindi
  6. Don and Trevor drove from British Columbia to Alaska on the alcan Highway. Alcan
  7. Scientists report that brazilian wildlife includes a large number of sloths, anteaters, and armadillos, along with a wide variety of multicolored birds and a great many insects. Brazilian
  8. Unlike Europeans, american shoppers do not buy foods such as cream cheese and chocolate syrup in metal or plastic tubes. American
  9. Thomas Jefferson planted poplars along pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. Pennsylvania
  10. I wish I could afford to go to more broadway plays. Broadway

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