Singular and Possessive Plurals Answers


This exercise includes both singular and plural possessives. Rewrite each phrase below so that it uses an apostrophe to show possession. To change from one form of the possessive to the other, you will need to change the order of the words and to omit some words.


   the flavor of the toothpaste                    the toothpaste’s flavor

1.      the credit cards of the women             the women’s credit cards

2.      the birthdays of the girls                       the girls’ birthdays

3.      the benefits of the plan                          the plan’s benefits

4.      the backs of the chairs                        the chairs’ backs

5.      the events of the week                        the week’s events

6.      the meetings of the clubs                     the clubs’ meetings

7.      the plots of the movies                      the movies’ plots

8.      the laboratories of the company          the company’s laboratories

9.      the reunion of the alumni                     the alumni’s reunion

10.  the techniques of the manager           the managers’ techniques

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