Subject-Verb-Indirect Object-Direct Object Pattern


In each sentence below underline the indirect object. The direct object has been italicized.


Kerry gave Harvey a tire pressure gauge for Christmas.

1.      Colston left Rita all his money.

2.      Allen served his sisters jelly sandwiches.

3.      The same person asks the trainer questions at the end of each session.

4.      Mrs. Fox frequently writes the mayor angry letters

5.      Mrs. Beckford sent her son a large tin of oatmeal cookies.

6.      Philip sold Larry his car.

7.      Carmen bought Stan a book about how to make home repairs.

8.      I brought my sister a basket full of scented soaps.

9.      Charlene told her lawyer the truth.

10.  Noel gave Susie a gigantic inflatable dinosaur.

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