Verb Tense


Identify the tense of the underlined regular verbs in the sentences below. Use the following code:

PRES     present                         PAST     past tense


_PRES_ The architect’s lamp swivels in a 360 degree arch.

_____ 1. The skydivers joined hands before their parachutes opened.

_____ 2. Silvio shaves at night in order to save time in the morning before he goes to work.

_____ 3. Many members of Congress support funding for science but oppose it for the arts.

_____ 4. The Griffiths family immigrated to the United States from the Netherlands in 1916.

_____ 5. Hugo often misplaces his portable telephone.

_____ 6. Our township started a plastics recycling program.

_____ 7. Flood waters menace the small towns along the Ohio River.

_____ 8. Kip stopped construction of his new house when Civil War burials were discovered on his property.

_____ 9. Wally’s sunglasses protect his eyes from every angle.

_____ 10. Joel attended a soccer camp during the second week of August.

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