Exemplary Prose:
Essential Writing Skills in Context


The English language, many people believe, is difficult to understand. When a language has the words write, right, and rite all sounding the same, but each with different spellings and meanings, it's easy to see why it can be viewed as inconsistent. In order to master spelling, you'll have to do three things:

1. Read and memorize.

2. Learn how to use a dictionary

3. Learn how to use the spell check on your computer.

The first two suggestions require work, and if you're a typical human, you'll try your best to avoid them until you absolutely need to. Since the third option of letting the computer check your spelling is the most popular, please be aware that it is not infallible. Computers make mistakes. 

Below are a list of words that the spell check missed. The reason they were missed was because they were spelled correctly; unfortunately their meaning was incorrect.

know - no                knot - not                fare - fair

seam - seem            fowl - foul                knight - night

yew - you                four - for                  ewe -you

bee - be                   reed - read              eye - I

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