Exemplary Prose:
Essential Writing Skills in Context
Grammar Rules

"I ain't no good at grammar!" How many times have I heard that (and who could dispute it, using a double-negative and "ain't")? Obtaining a solid grasp on grammar is a foundational aspect of mastering language. Grammar could be easy, and, dare I say, fun, if you approach it with the right attitude (and utilize this CD). Just remember - if you have a doubt about the grammar you are using in your writing, take some time to look up the rule and you'll (hopefully) find your answer. Happy hunting!

Each grammar link will include a bonus hyperlink to Dr. Charles Darling's wonderful website The Guide to Grammar and Writing. This bonus hyperlink will only be available to those who have an internet connection. These links will enhance the basics of this CD and help all students better grasp the complexities of the English language. After linking to his website, go to the window tool bar, look for the BACK button, and return to the Exemplary Writing CD.


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